Dash M50/L50 - Stages Dash M50/L50 User Guide

Add a Ride Graph

Graphs can be added to any data page, in any size field, for the following metrics:

Metrics are displayed as the vertical axis of a graph, while the horizontal axis represents the designated span—either a fixed amount of time, designated lap, or the duration of a ride.

Adding a graph

To add a graph to any page, go to the Edit data pages menu on the Dash or in Stages Cycling app. Select any existing page or start a new page to add graphing to. Up to 20 graphs can be added to a profile.

Edit data field menu with Category selected

Time spans (horizontal axis)

Graphs are based on either fixed or dynamic time spans, each of which has different behaviors.

Fixed spans

Graphs can be set to approximately 5, 20, or 60 minutes; which are fixed time spans. These spans are approximations, as they vary slightly based on the width (number of pixels) of the field. These graphs show a rolling window of data, and the time span is indicated in the top left of the field.

Map displayed with partially filled 58 minute span graph

Fixed span graphs will start by filling in the graph from left to right as ride time passes.

Color wheel with partially filled in 5 minute span graph
When ride time is greater than the span, new data is shown on the right side of the screen, replacing data on the left side of the screen.

Color wheel with full 5 minute span graph below

Dynamic spans

Graphs can be set to display an entire lap or ride. As time passes and the graph reaches the end of the data field, the time span will adjust to allow for more data to be shown in the field.
Map with 11 min lap span graph   Map with full 21 min lap graph

Last lap span

The last lap span will allow you to display a static graph containing data for the chosen metric from your last lap. This can be useful for viewing efforts after they are completed.

Recording rules

  • If recording is set to Continuous, stopped time will appear on the graph.
  • If recording is set to any kind of Pause, only data from when the ride is active appears on the graph.

