Does the bike have power?
To confirm the bike has power, pedal the bike and press the brake levers. If the brake levers apply resistance, the bike has power. If the brakes do not apply resistance, check that the power cable is connected to both the bike and a working power outlet.
Shifters and/or brakes do not work
If the bike is powered on, but not responding to input from one or more shifter or brake, check to ensure the shift/brake controls are properly connected to the junctions on either side of the stem.
If neither work, remove the nose cap from above the flywheel and check that the cable junction beneath the nose cap is properly seated.
Resistance is working, but unable to set crank length
To complete set up of the bike, both power meters must be activated. Each power meter ships with a small plastic isolation tab under the battery. Loosen the battery door screws and remove the tabs; then tighten the screws to activate each power meter.
The power meters must be disconnected from all other devices and applications to set crank length.
Unable to connect to a device via Bluetooth
The bike should be broadcasting a Bluetooth and ANT+ signal anytime it is powered on. It is available to connect to both the Stages Cycling app and one other Bluetooth device at any time. If you are unable to connect to ANT+, confirm the bike has power and if needed, unplug the bike and plug it back in.
If you are unable to connect via Bluetooth:
For Android devices, location services must be allowed when installing the app in order to allow for Bluetooth scanning.