Dash M200/L200 - Stages Dash M200/L200 User Guide

Power Zones

The Dash has several options for setting your power zones. The power zones used on the Dash will automatically update based on your FTP setting unless you are using Automatic (Adaptive) zones, which will use your ride history to detect an increase or decrease in your FTP.

You can also customize your training zone ranges, add and delete zones, and change zone colors through the Stages Cycling app.

Power zones color wheel colored red and showing 170 watts

To customize your power zones:

  1. Open the Stages Cycling app
  2. Tap on the profile icon in the lower right corner.
  3. Tap Zones from the top list of tabs.
  4. Tap the edit icon under Power.

Power zones menu in the Stages Cycling app

To set your power zones:

Go to Settings > User settings > Power zones > Method. From there you can select from one of the calculation methods in the table (below), or if you have set up custom zones, select Stages Cycling app to activate your custom zone settings.

Method Definition
Automatic (Adaptive) Automatic/adaptive zone calculation will adapt your zones based on power data from the last 90 days.
Stages Uses the default Stages Preset zones seen in table below.
Coggan Uses the Coggan Preset zones seen in table below.
Stages Cycling app Uses customized training zones set up in Stages Cycling app.
Zone Name % of FTP
Zone 1 Recovery 0-59%
Zone 2 Endurance 60-79%
Zone 3 Tempo 80-90%
Zone 4 Threshold 91-104%
Zone 5 VO2 105-120%
Zone 6 Anaerobic 121%+
Zone Name % of FTP
Zone 1 Recovery 0-55%
Zone 2 Endurance 56-75%
Zone 3 Tempo 76-90%
Zone 4 Threshold 91-105%
Zone 5 VO2 106-120%
Zone 6 Anaerobic 121%+

