Your personal attributes can also be found within the settings menu.
To set your weight, go to: Main Menu > Settings > Weight.
To set your age, go to: Main Menu > Settings > Age.
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the maximum wattage you can sustain for a long duration, usually 1 hour. This number is the basis for setting your power training zones and calculating several power based metrics, such as TSS, T-Score, and IF. If you are training with a power meter, you should enter an FTP value here.
To update your FTP setting, go to: Main Menu > Settings > FTP.
Functional threshold heart rate (FThr) is an approximation of your highest sustainable heart rate for an hour effort. This number is the basis for setting your heart rate training zones, as well as calculating several heart rate based metrics that can be displayed in your data fields. If you are training with a heart rate monitor, you should enter an FThr value here.
To enter your FThr, go to: Main Menu > Settings > FThr.
To set your gender, go to: Main Menu > Settings > Gender.