Dash L10 - Stages Dash L10 User Guide


Totaling is the way in which a metric is calculated over the setting span. List of possible totaling values:

  • Average: The average rate of a metric over the selected span, e.g.: 3s Average Power.
  • Maximum: The maximum average of the metric over the selected span, e.g.: Max 30s Power.
  • Total: The accumulated total amount of a metric over the selected span, e.g.: kJs in this Lap.
  • Per: Rate per hour, available only when 1 hour Span is chosen (kJs, Calories, TSS, T-Score), e.g.: Calories per Hour.

For example, if the metric Power is selected, and the Span selected is 1 minute, Totaling could show either a current 1 minute average or a maximum 1 minute power achieved during the ride.

